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contoh kalimat junior college

"junior college" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I had talked the junior college into accepting him.
    Aku meminta sebuah perguruan tinggi untuk menerimanya.
  • Dropped out... -of junior college after only one year.
    Putus... dari junior college setelah hanya satu tahun.
  • The boy was Nomi Tadahiko, 19, a Junior College student.
    Lelakinya bernama Nomi Tadahiko, 19 tahun, mahasiswa junior.
  • So he goes to a junior college.
    Biarkan dia ke sekolah tinggi yunior saja.
  • Giving her the money for junior college.
    Memberinya uang ... Untuk kuliah D2.
  • I only took one psychology course in Junior college,
    Aku hanya mengambil satu kuliah psikologi di perguruan tinggi Junior,
  • What do you mean, going to junior college?
    Apa maksud mu, masuk kuliah?
  • I was working two jobs, saving money for junior college. Yeah?
    Aku sudah memiliki 2 pekerjaan, menabung untuk kuliah.
  • What happened to Central Jersey Applied Technical Junior College?
    Apa yang terjadi dengan Central Jersey Lamaran Teknik Junior College?
  • Plus I go to junior college.
    Plus aku pergi ke junior college.
  • My entire extended schooling is two years at Valley Junior College.
    Semua pembelajaran sambungan aku hanyalah 2 tahun di Kolej 'Valley Junior'.
  • The acid was stolen from a research lab at Marshall Junior College.
    Asam itu dicuri dari penelitian Junior laboratorium di Marshall College.
  • But the idea of junior college had never even occurred to my son.
    Tp ide utk kuliah tak pernah terpikirkan utk anak ku.
  • We met in junior college.
    Kami bertemu di akademi.
  • Map of Junior College, Travel Information - MapFan Japan
    Map Akademi, Informasi Perjalanan - MapFan Jepang
  • Language school Vocational School University Junior College Graduate school
    Sekolah Bahasa Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Junior College Sekolah pascasarjana
  • Nanyang Junior College Volleyball team from Singapore
    Tim Voli Nanyang Junior College dari Singapura
  • Qualifications for admission into Japanese universities and junior colleges
    Kualifikasi untuk mendaftar ke Junior College dan Universitas Jepang
  • At Marshall Junior College?
    Di Marshall Junior College?
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